The library is managed and run by volunteers. It is a registered charity and a Company Limited by Guarantee. The day to day running of the library is delegated by the Trustees to the Steering Group.
The 6 Trustees meet quarterly. They have overall legal responsibility for the library. The 6 Steering Group members meet monthly and ensure that the day to day running is smooth and seamless. There are also sub groups responsible for Administration and Children’s activities. Premises matters are dealt with by the Chairman of Trustees who is also Chairman of Steering.
Three Steering Group members are also Trustees. The Trustees and Steering Group are always keen to hear from anyone who feels they have a specific skill which may benefit the library

Finances and Fundraising
Our book stock is provided free of charge by NYCC and we do not have to pay rent. We do however have to cover all other running costs including cleaning, insurance, utilities and consumables.
It costs us on average £8000 per year to run the library. These funds have to be raised by means of grant applications and small fundraising activities. We are lucky to receive support from our local community and in particular St John’s Church and Pine Street Allotments. In 2017 we were especially grateful for generous funding from the COOP community fund.

Find out how you can get involved on our Library Support page.